Faster and better subsea pipeline inspection through multi-physics AUV based measurements and digitalization

Mar 28, 2023 | webinars

A new fast and accurate AUV based pipeline inspection methodology has been developed. Passive electromagnetic, optic, and acoustic data are continuously and simultaneously acquired along the pipeline and is processed together to get the best awareness of the cathodic protection status as well as potential damages, burial depth, and free span. The acquisition is performed 5-8 m above the pipeline at a speed of 3-4 knots.

The speaker is Johan Mattsson, Chief Physicist, Argeo 

Argeo Successfully Uplisted to Euronext Oslo Stock Exchange

Argeo Successfully Uplisted to Euronext Oslo Stock Exchange

We are proud to announce that Argeo has been successfully uplisted to the Euronext Oslo Stock Exchange from Euronext Growth. This important achievement reflects the dedication and hard work we’ve invested in our journey of consistent growth. "We are very pleased...