SeaRaptor 6000 – Deep sea surveying capabilities

Jun 13, 2023 | webinars

Watch this webinar showcasing the operational set-up of the Argeo Searcher and SeaRaptors, which have deep sea surveying capabilities down to 6,000 m water depth.

Exciting data from the SeaRaptor sensor package of MultiBeam EchoSounder, SubBottom Profiler, EM Listen system, Magnetometer, Synthetic Aperture Sonar and environmental sensors will be presented.

The speaker is Bengt Finnøen, Technical Manager, Argeo 

Argeo achieves significant growth in the second quarter

Argeo achieves significant growth in the second quarter

Asker, 29 August 2024: Argeo reports good growth performance for Q2 2024, driven by significant contract wins and strategic advancements in our technology portfolio. Revenue improved to USD 15.7 million, marking an increase of 1037% year-over-year (YoY). EBITDA rose...