Argeo Argus
Uninterrupted shore-to-shore operations
The Argeo USV is a multi-purpose unmanned vehicle for offshore and coastal applications, offering a stable, low emission hybrid platform equipped with state-of-the-art navigation, supervision and hydrographic/geophysical technology. Standard instruments include SVP, single and multibeam echosounders and sub-bottom profiler. Configurable back-deck and two moonpools allow for very high operational and sensor configuration flexibility. Radar, HD optical and thermal cameras with full suite of high bandwidth communication and navigation equipment assures a worldwide safe remote supervised operation 24/7.
Argeo Argus
Key featues
- Flexible aft deck for multiple payloads
- 2 x configurable moonpools
- 2 x independent propulsion systems
- Integrated geophysical/hydrographical sensors
- Stabilizer for improved data and communication quality
- Remote operated from Onshore Mission Control
Key payload sensors
- Multibeam: Teledyne Reson T51 R DF 400/800KHz
- Sub-Bottom Profiler: EdgeTech 2205 1-10KHz
- Single-beam Echo-sounder: ODOM EchotracE20-DC (Dual Channel)
- Camera & Laser: TileCam BW HD + LED